High Performance Communication

You engage in hundreds of conversations every week with people who matter. Each of these conversations has the potential to change the course of events in your life, your career, your family, or your organization. It is, in fact, an act of leadership. And in order to achieve your desired result, your communication must be effective. It's that simple!

In this training you will learn and practice the art of communicating clearly, relevantly, succintly and how to craft your message in a way that is easy for your dialogue partner to understand, absorb, and remember.

This training is highly empowering and inspiring and will improve your communication skills tremendously.

Was werde ich lernen:

Was werde ich lernen:

✔️How to use communication differently to influence people

✔️How to prepare important conversations in order to succeed

✔️The language of successful communication

Kursplatz provisorisch reservieren


B1 - B2
Termine anfragen

Business Skills. High Performance Communication. Leadership. Soft Skils. Cultural competence



A1 - C1
Nach Vereinbarung

English Online Course. Customer specific requirements and topics



B1 - C1
Neue Termine anfragen!
9:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Business English, Intercultural Communication, Career and Personality Growth Topics



B1 - B2
Termine anfragen

Business English course, High Performance Communication, Success and Career Growth Topics

Täglich erreichbar

Mo - Donnerstag
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 17:00
Kostenlose Beratung

Onlinekurse ab

99.- € / Monat

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